About Me
I am a high school graduate from George Washington in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I was involved in volleyball and a couple of volleyball club teams as well as softball and dance throughout my high school years. I was so involved in sports I realized applying for college I was unsure what I to major in. I decided my strongest subject was math and I was going to be a math teacher. Then I came to the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls and realized this was not my specialty. I went to career services, and they helped me figure out Digital Media Production was a good route to experience. After getting involved I realized this was who I am.
I enjoy creating multiple styles of content. I can create serious and passionate content. I can create videos for those who need to spread the word about their business. My passion driven is creating sports highlights. My inspiration is one of my professors, Eric Braley. While his passion for sports is being an announcer his love for UNI athletics was overall contagious. He is a driven man and I realized that is someone I strive to be. Passionate about everything I do while also being dedicated. I told him about my love for sports and he gave me an internship for his business Around the Corner Productions as a camera operator for men's and women's basketball and softball. My internships page will go into greater detail about my experiences; however, I have built more than just a sports background. I volunteer for my church running our live stream on YouTube and creating our slide shows used at the beginning and the end.
In summary, I am not someone who loves the spotlight, but like any other person, I do appreciate a small amount of recognition. I found that I can still help people find their love of sports even though I am no longer a player. Through college, I realized that my faith is my strength in making me who I am. Doing digital media production for a major helped me see my passion and my skills for the future. If you want to see my experience in more detail click on my resume button below!
Ethics Statement
As a sports content creator or broadcaster, the goal is to get the fans involved and to give them the best experience possible. I have played volleyball and softball during a large part of my life, and I realized that it takes more than just the players to keep an audience engaged. It also requires the skills of those who are broadcasting or publicizing the event. I believe that a strong work ethic, honesty, and respect can play a key role in keeping the audience engaged while creating a positive work environment. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, the harder it will be to convince the audience to enjoy the game and support your team.